Poor Gut Health and Low Energy – Fix it

Poor Gut Health (Dysbiosis) Causes Chronic Disease: 

Exactly what is poor gut health? Recent clinical research confirms that, “The gut microbiome, i.e., the community of bacteria and other microorganisms living in the human gut, has been implicated both directly and indirectly in human health.” 

The human gut, in fact the entire tract from the esophagus to the bowel, should maintain a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria. Specifically,  ‘good’ bacteria must not allow the ‘bad’ bacteria to overpower it. In an unbalanced (dysbiotic) gut, the harmful bacteria prevail, allowing havoc, illnesses and disease to develop.

Scientists have long known that an imbalanced microbiome in the colon leads to illnesses and autoimmune diseases. According to the clinical journal Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease (16):

“…dysbiosis of the gut microbiota is associated with the pathogenesis of both intestinal and extra-intestinal disorders. Intestinal disorders include inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and coeliac disease.  Extra-intestinal disorders include allergy, asthma, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.”

Nutritious Smoothie to Improve Poor Gut Health Image Source: Forbes.com SaferCures.com
Nutritious Smoothie to Improve Poor Gut Health

Poor gut health also causes chronic health conditions such as fatigue and chronic pain. It causes autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diabetes, and inflammatory diseases including Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Eczema. And many cancers and mental health disorders like Depression, ADHD, Autism, and many more.

Poor gut health weakens the immune system and allows viruses, parasites and other pathogens to gain a stronghold. Thus, health and energy can be severely compromised.

From Dysbiosis to Healthy Gut

A poor digestive system can decrease your energy levels, cause brain fog, mood swings and sleep disorders(3).

But the good news is that there are simple, natural ways to improve gut balance and restore your health and energy. Remedies to balance the gut microbiome may include an array of natural methods, and the role of food cannot be overemphasized

Food and nutrition play a critical role in recovering and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. It surely has an enormous impact on your whole body health and energy levels.

Healing the Gut Microbiome – Case Example

I have a colleague, James, who faced gut imbalance issues more often than most others.  For many years, James experienced distressing acid reflux, diarrhea and constipation, bowel pain, fatigue, and extreme headaches. He was miserable and visited his doctor every two months.

Even though he took all his prescribed medications per doctor’s orders, nothing seemed to improve. In fact, his medications often changed, making him feel worse.

After some simple testing and learning more about how to naturally heal his gut microbiome, James decided to try some remedies. 

He committed to removing toxins, controlling low-grade infections, taking certain nutritional supplements, and eating specific foods while eliminating others. It took a little time to restore his gut microbiome and health. But now his digestive issues and illnesses are gone. He feels fantastic with lots of energy and renewed vigor. 

How Do You Improve Poor Gut Health?

In conventional western medicine, physicians may prescribe antibiotics or antimicrobials to rid the body of certain bacterial infections. But antibiotics also disrupt the natural healthy flora of the gut.

Antibiotics can have a dramatic negative effect on the diversity of bacteria living in our gut. They kill the beneficial gut bacteria and create an imbalance. This gives more power to the bad bacteria and causes diarrhea, nausea and other unpleasant, unhealthy and chronic gut issues(1)

Improve Poor Gut Health Balanced Bacteria Colon  Image Source: Jaga-me.com SaferCures.com

However, you can improve your gut health by turning to a natural healing approach. Naturopathic medicine is popular among people who understand that the best way to cure ailments due to imbalances is a natural and non-invasive approach whenever possible.

The Gut Microbiota

The US Department of Agriculture reports that 100 Trillion bacteria live in your digestive tract. In healthy individuals, they break down food, absorb nutrients and defend us from illnesses of all kinds.

This ecosystem of bacteria, the ‘gut microbiota’, starts in the mouth and travels our entire digestive system, or gut. (14)

Your microbiota may become unbalanced, or overpowered by toxins or pathogens – invading illnesses. When this happens, ‘Bad’ bacteria can prevail and cause serious diseases and chronic illness.

Bad bacteria feeds on sugar and low-nutrient junk food and beverages. To have the greatest healing impact on your gut balance and overall health and energy, Avoid sugar, processed foods and preservatives. Ensure that you eat a balance of natural, organic, highly-nutritious foods. You will experience dramatic changes in your health and vitality by making these lifestyle changes.(2)

Improve Poor Gut Health – Book

Gut and Physiology Syndrome

This book is a fantastic primer on WHY you experience chronic health problems due to gut dysbiosis (imbalance of gut bacteria). Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride has healed thousands of patients over several decade. Her GAPS Protocol has even healed patients deemed ‘incurable’ by conventional medical practitioners.

Gut and Physiology Syndrome Book. Improve Poor Gut Health. Image Source Amazon.com. SaferCures.com
Gut and Physiology Syndrome Book

Gut and Physiology Syndrome is written in easy-to-understand language, yet it teaches you exactly what happens in the body to cause gut imbalance that results in chronic disease. It’s easy to read, and SO important to actually understand how the body works – the WHYS and HOWS. When we understand that, we’re more motivated to adopt the changes needed to regain our health!

Dr. Campbell McBride gives practical, specific, step-by-step instructions that can be implement at home, and heal your gut naturally.

Very important information available in an easy-to-understand manner.Michael A. Santani

Highly recommended! Gut and Physiology Syndrome helps us understand the crucial links between gut balance and healthy gut flora, and physical and mental health consequemces. 

Anyone on a journey of healing, this is the book to read!  – Diane B.

FOR MENTAL HEALTH CONDITIONS: See Dr. Campbell-McBride’s groundbreaking companion book on healing psychological disorders: Gut and Psychology Syndrome. It is an essential primer for understanding the gut/brain connection and the disorders directly resulting from unbalanced and unhealthy gut flora. She discusses natural treatments for diseases such as Depression, Autism, A.D.H.D., Dyspraxia, A.D.D., Dyslexia, Schizophrenia, and so many more.

Note: All products are chosen based on our mission to highlight solid product quality, high customer satisfaction and reasonable pricing. This content is made possible because, as an Amazon Associate and participant in other affiliate programs, we may earn a small commission from qualifying purchases of some (but not all) of the products we highlight – at absolutely no cost to the Purchaser. (Learn More)

Gut Health FAQs:

How can I improve my gut health fast?
Improve your gut health fast by detoxifying your body and making nutritional changes in your diet and lifestyle. Whenever possible, consume only organic and nutritionally dense foods. And strictly avoid junk and processed foods.

What are the symptoms of an unhealthy gut?
Symptoms of an unhealthy gut may include any combination of conditions. They include stomach disturbances like acid reflux, nausea, constipation and diarrhea, brain fog, migraines, insomnia, unintended changes in body weight, chronic pain, inflammation, skin conditions, and autoimmune diseases of all kinds.

How can I naturally restore my gut?
Naturally restore gut health by eliminating toxins, drinking plenty of purified water, eating nutritionally dense organic foods, and restoring nutritional deficiencies through high quality supplementation. This will help reinvigorate your cells’ natural energy production.

How to Heal Your Gut

You can start to heal your gut balance by committing to natural alternative lifestyle changes. Eliminate toxins such as mold and environmental pollutants in the air and water. Ensure that the water you ingest is purified and your food is highly nutritive and organic – never genetically modified. Stop ingesting food and beverages with any chemical additives such as pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, flavorings, hormones, etc.  

Why Gut Health Matters Improve Poor Gut Health Image Source: Bioxcellerator.com SaferCures.com

Diet plays a crucial role in strengthening digestion and delivering vital nutrients to the cells. Clean, nutritious, healthy eating can control inflammation and pain, lower blood sugar, defend against cancer, and balance hormones for increased vital energy.

Stress can be a root cause of gut issues. A calm and stress-free environment can actually speed the healing process.

Incorporate high quality supplements into your diet to strengthen your gut lining and reduce inflammation in your gut and throughout your body.

Improve Your Energy – Book

Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis

New clinical research has shed more light on a condition that is quite debilitating. For decades, conventional western medical doctors believed that Chronic Fatigue was “all in the head”Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis book by Dr Sarah Myhill MD SaferCures.com. They were quick to dismiss the suffering of their patients.

But now, science is crystal clear. Chronic Fatigue is a disease of the Mitochondria, the energy producers in our cells.

This groundbreaking 2nd edition book includes new insights and chapters on why CFS/ME is the most poorly treated condition in Western medicine.

Right from the beginning of the book, it becomes immediately clear that conventional medicine is far too ill-equipped or ill-trained to deal with such complex disorders. With many possible causes that can lead to wide-ranging symptoms, CFS/ME is a prime example of the need for personalized healthcare and treating the whole person, not just symptoms.  – Dr. Lee Know, author of Mitochondria and the Future of Medicine

Dr. Sara Myhiill elucidates the role of the gut, allergy and autoimmunity, Lyme disease and other co-infections.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis presents a clear step-by-step path for reprogramming the immune system, reprogramming the brain, and the precise roadmap to recovery for CFS/ME patients.


How long does it take to heal your gut?
It may take two to four days for your gut microbiome to begin to change. Depending on the patient’s underlying health condition, adherence to the healing protocol, and quality of nutrition, complete healing can take 6-12 months, or even longer. A severely dysregulated gut took a lifetime to accumulate. Healing is a lifestyle change, with progressive but long term results.

How do you start healing your gut?
You can start healing your gut by learning why and how it became unhealthy and unbalanced. Find the root causes. Only then will you be fully prepared to adopt  recommended Functional, Integrative, and Naturopathic protocols for eliminating toxins, consuming the required healthy, nutrient-dense foods and beverages. You may also consider adding supportive therapies such as high quality supplements and oxidation therapies that supercharge your cells’ energy.

The Gut Health Protocol

The book, The Gut Health Protocol  by John G. Heron  has been Praised by physicians and patients alike. Heron offers natural remedies to treat an assortment of chronic stomach and intestinal issues not successfully treated with drugs by conventional healthcare providers.

The Gut Health Protocol explains, in easy-to-understand language, how some scientifically studied natural herbs and supplements can promote gut health. It discusses how to treat leaky gut, Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), and yeast overgrowth, among others.(4)

THANK YOU !!!! I have been suffering from IBS and SIBO for years… I came across your “Gut Health Protocol” and followed it to a T. I truly have not felt this good in years !!!!!! You have given me my life back !!!!! I never realized how sick I was. I forgot how a healthy person should feel. — Jackie A.


The Gut Health Protocol

The Gut Health Protocol Improve Poor Gut Health Image Source: Amazon.com Safercures.com
The Gut Health Protocol

The Gut Health Protocol outlines natural approaches to tackling dozens of stomach and intestinal health issues using only scientifically studied natural herbs, supplements and diet. Supplements discussed in the book are commonly available in local health foods stores and at your favorite online retailer.

Gut issues are commonly at the root cause of many ailments such as: recurring stomach aches, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, IBS, acid reflux, nausea, eating disorders, eczema, obesity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Even major depression has been linked to gut issues. 

The root of many of these problems can often be traced quite convincingly to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), intestinal candida albicans, h.pylori bacteria overgrowth in the stomach, bacterial dysbiosis throughout the gut or other secondary conditions that these infections cause. The Gut Health Protocol can usually resolve these issues, and without damaging antibiotics or steroids.

Your amazing, well researched, well organized, all-encompassing book, protocol and pre / probiotic have changed my life… Your book and help are beyond invaluable. You are truly a genius. Thank you! – K. Lyons


What is the 5 R Protocol?
The 5 R Protocol is an acronym in Functional Medicine, for healing gut dysbiosis:  Remove, Replace, Reinoculated, Repair, and Rebalance.(15) 

What is a gut healing protocol?
A gut healing protocol is a holistic program that rebalances your gut’s natural and healthy bacterial flora.

Gut Health Foods

Gut Health Foods entail consuming a diverse variety of nutrient-dense foods, especially those rich in specific balancing nutrients and probiotics, which together greatly impact good gut health(5) 

Whole Food Image Source: Healthline.com SaferCures.com

  1. POLYPHENOLS: Polyphenols can reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. EXAMPLES: Green tea, cocoa, dark chocolate, red wine, and onion are good sources of polyphenols. 
  2. PREBIOTICS: Prebiotics are essential for the survival of beneficial bacteria. Some foods like bananas, watermelons, apples, berries, and artichokes are rich in prebiotics. 
  3. PROBIOTICS: Probiotics are live microorganisms that have gut health benefits. They can be found in yogurt and other fermented foods, and dietary supplements.
  4. FERMENTED FOODS: These foods are rich in good bacteria to help balance the gut flora and provide energy to all cells in the body. Fermented foods include kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, yogurt, and kombucha. 
  5. FIBER: Fiber is beneficial for digestion and motility. Raspberries, artichokes, green peas, broccoli, lentils, and beans are rich in fiber. 

Many different experts promote different combinations or eliminations of certain food groups, based on the conditions treated and an individual’s health objectives.

In general, few special nutrients that help heal your gut:

  1. Chamomile tea is a relaxation-inducing tea that helps with insomnia. It relaxes the body and helps with stress and anxiety. It has great anti-inflammatory effects, which help with healing your gut(6)
  2. Ginger is rich in antioxidants and works to reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) track. It also helps with acid reflux and relieves gas.
  3. Lemons are a great source of Vitamin C which boosts the immune system. A healthy immune system can fight off bad bacteria in the gut. It reduces stomach inflammation which in term reduces bloating.
  4. Honey can balance the gut microbiome as it is a great source of prebiotics. It kills Helicobacter Pylori, the bacteria that causes most digestive disorders.
  5. Yogurts, especially those that use lactobacilli culture, are a great source of prebiotics. They are a good source of nutrients and can strengthen the GIT(7)

Gut FAQs:

What are the worst foods for your gut?
Foods that contain high levels of sugar or fructose, processed foods, and fried foods are the worst for your gut.

What foods heal your gut?
Help heal your gut by eating a variety of foods that are organic, chemical-free, low sugar, and nutrient-dense.

What are some gut superfoods?
Superfoods for your gut include avocados, berries, pomegranates, wild-caught seafood, broccoli, and leafy green vegetables.

What 3 foods are bad for your gut?
Refined grains, such as wheat and pasta, simple sugars, including any added sugar, and Chemical Additives in processed foods are three worst foods for your gut. Also, Unhealthy oils and fried foods are bad for digestion and cause cellular damage body-wide.

What foods are good for gut health?
Foods that are good for gut health include miso, fennel, chia seeds, kefir, kombucha, seafood, yoghurt, fermented foods, and high nutrition, organic foods that are fresh, natural (non-GMO) and locally grown.

Bad Gut Bacteria

Gut bacteria perform several important functions such as providing nutrients, synthesizing Vitamin K, and helping indigestion(8)

These bacteria are usually beneficial but can become deleterious due to changes in the gut’s ecosystem. Bad bacteria can contribute to several diseases in the stomach and other parts of the body.

If the bad bacteria prevail, they destroy the microbial balance and overpower the beneficial bacteria. They can cause inflammation in the intestine (as well as system-wide.) This results in stomach pain, discomfort, bloating, gas, and diarrhea, to name just a few.

Good and Bad Gut Bacteria Improve Poor Gut Health Image Source: Carolinadigestive.com SaferCures.com

Inflammatory gut disorder, one of the most common digestive disorders, is also caused by pathogenic bacteria. Crohn’s disease, an autoimmune disease, is a result of disruption in the gut’s microflora. 

This imbalance often causes obesity and sleep disorders. Bad bacteria can damage the liver and lead to hepatitis. Gut bacteria may also be a culprit behind conditions like diabetes and hypercholesterolemia. Abundance of pathogenic bacteria may result in development of cancer in gastrointestinal and prostate regions, or elsewhere in the blood and body.

Detox and Cleanse Book

Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal

Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal Improve Poor Gut Health Image Source: Amazon.com SaferCures.com
Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal Book

Healing Plans for Sufferers of Anxiety, Depression, Acne, Eczema, Lyme, Gut Problems, Brain Fog, Weight Issues, Migraines, Bloating, Vertigo, Psoriasis

Cleansing is a vital tool for fighting against these burdens–as long as you go about it the right way. That’s why you need this book. Anthony William, the author, is known worldwide as the Medical Medium. He has written a one-stop resource for cleansing, starting with his acclaimed nine-day 3:6:9 Cleanse. The book also details life-saving protocols for specific health needs, including an anti-bug cleanse, a morning cleanse, and a heavy metal detox.

Absolute genius! I have just finished the 9-day cleanse and have never felt so well or clear headed. – Miss F M Abrahams


How do I get rid of bad bacteria in my gut?
To get rid of bad bacteria in your gut, a functional medical practitioner, naturopath or nutritionist can help you if you have an overgrowth of bad bacteria. They typically recommend a detox, dietary plan and specific supplements tailored to your needs.

What are signs and symptoms of bad gut bacteria?
Signs of bad bacteria in your gut include digestive issues, acid reflux, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, gas, hemorrhoids, mood swings, sugar and junk food cravings, sluggishness, fatigue, and sleep problems.

What are some bad gut bacteria?
Common examples of bad gut bacteria are high levels of Clostridium Perfringens, Staphylococcus, and E. Coli, to name a few

How do you get rid of bad bacteria in your body?
With the help of microbiome therapy, you can strengthen beneficial bacteria and lower or eliminate bad bacteria in your body.

What are some symptoms of an unhealthy gut?
People with an unhealthy gut microbiota commonly suffer from autoimmune diseases, insomnia, allergies, and migraines.

Gut Health Test

A bacteria culture test can identify the harmful bacteria in or on your body that are making you sick. To do the test, you will need to give a sample of your blood, urine, skin, or other tissue. The type of sample depends on where the infection seems to be located. A fecal sample test is common to pinpoint specific gut infections.

The first step to treat a gut health issue is to diagnose it. Gut health tests can help find serious issues in your digestive system and whether or not you need to change your lifestyle and diet. Generally, there are several different ways to test gut health(9).

  • Visual Inspection
  • The Beet tests
  • Stool analysis
  • Lactulose breath test
Microbiome Balance Improve Poor Gut Health Image Source: Millionmarker.com SaferCures.com

Visual Inspection of the Stool


It’s easy and convenient to simply observe stool color to assess possible changes in your digestion:

Pale or green-yellow colored stool – Poor digestion might be indicative of bile duct obstruction and/or fat malabsorption. You may want to consult with your doctor to investigate gall bladder issues.

Red or black colored stool – If you’ve eaten beets lately, no worries. Otherwise, this could indicate blood in your stool which may be a serious issue that deserves immediate medical attention.

Green colored stool – Possible indication that your body is not digesting the greens and vegetables you’re eating.

Yellow colored stool- May indicate infection or intestinal inflammation.

The Beet Test 

The Beet test is also a good way of checking how long it takes your digestive tract to process food. Since beets pass in stool as dark red, you can easily monitor the time period. Usually 24-48 hours is healthy. If it takes longer or much shorter than that, you may wish to consult with a good clinician for further testing

Functional Stool Analysis

Labs will analyze stool samples and report very detailed data on your gut health. These labs are typically ordered by naturopaths, functional medicine clinicians, and other Integrative health practitioners. Tests may involve:

  • Presence of specific strains of microflora
  • Specific bacterial or fungal overgrowths
  • Nutrient malabsorption (possibly “leaky gut”, fat malabsorption, etc.)
  • Enzyme levels
  • Parasite infection
  • others

Functional Stool Analysis can be pricey, from $300-600, but may be worthwhile to help pinpoint a condition that has eluded diagnosis or is particularly troubling.

Another alternative is a simple test kit that can be ordered online.

Gut Microbiome Test Kit

Biomesight Gut Microbiome Test

Biomesight Gut Microbiome Test Kit Image Source: Amazon.com SaferCures.com
Biomesight Gut Microbiome Test Kit

Biomesight analyzes your gut microbiome and provides gut health scores to improve with personalized recommendations – unique to your microbiome. 

  • Probiotic, pathobiont and commensal bacteria reports
  • Personalized Food & Prebiotic Supplement Recommendations
  • SCFA, toxin, neurotransmitter & enzyme production

To see an example of what is included, log in to biomesight.com with the demo credentials: [email protected] Password1 – and go to the advanced section.

I found out so much about my gut and what foods I should cut back on. — Stephanie deKeyzer

Gut Health FAQs:

How can I test my gut health?
You can test your gut health with a beetroot test, visual inspection, functional stool analysis, or at-home gut microbiome test kit.

Do gut health tests work?
Gut health tests analyze the bacteria and balance of the gut microbiome and how the digestive tract is working.

What does a gut biome test tell you?
Gut microbiome tests identifies pathogen levels. Your qualified practitioner then assesses the balance of microorganisms and makes recommendations for restoring the gut to health.

Gut Health Cleanse

In a three-day gut health cleanse, you can follow a special diet to reset your gut health. This type of diet usually includes foods rich in beneficial bacteria. Avoid inflammation-causing foods like gluten and dairy. Exercise, sleep properly, and avoid stress(10)

Gut Health Cleanse: Complete Guide Image Source: Cleansejoy.com SaferCures.com

This protocol can have long-term benefits. It can lower the risk of diseases such as diabetes, heart conditions, obesity, and cancer. It also helps to de-stress and stabilize mood.


14 Day Colon Cleanse

14 Day Colon Cleanse Image  Source: Amazon.com SaferCures.com
14 Day Colon Cleanse Capsules

This advanced cleansing formula is made up of the finest herbs, fibers and probiotics that are optimized for an effective 14-day cleanse.

If you want a product that thoroughly cleanses you, this is it. It works. – Kelly Smoak


How do I detox my gut?
Detox your gut by ditching the junk food, processed food, sugar, alcohol, and eating food rich in nutrients which promote good bacteria.

How can I detox my gut in 3 days?
Detoxing your gut in 3 days involves a good cleanse and eating a balance of nutrient-dense, organic food; avoiding inflammatory foods, and de-stressing. This can start to balance your gut’s microbiome.

What do you eat on a gut cleanse?
In a gut cleanse you can eat high fiber foods such as salads, beans, and lentils. You can also eat fermented foods like kimchi, kefir, and pickles. You should also stay well hydrated.

What is the best gut cleanser?
The Mediterranean Diet can be one of the best gut cleansers. It includes eating fresh vegetables, whole grains and avoiding processed foods and simple sugars.

Restore Gut Health

Individuals following the Standard American Diet (SAD) are experiencing fast-increasing inflammation of the digestive system. Researchers believe that a person’s physical and social environment also play a huge role in developing diseases.(11)

Gut Health and Nutrients Image Source: Atlasbiomed.com SaferCures.com

A healthy gut means a healthy immune system for fighting disease, healthy weight and enhanced mood. If you do not enjoy these, chances are good that you need to detox, re-balance and restore your gut health.

To restore your gut health:

  1. Reduce stress. Decrease caffeine consumption and adopt relaxation practices.
  2. Get sufficient sleep. The quality of sleep has a great effect on your health.
  3. Eat slowly to avoid indigestion and stomach pain.
  4. Keeping yourself hydrated can have a positive effect on the intestinal lining.
  5. Incorporate prebiotic and probiotic supplements in your diet. They are essential for the survival of good bacteria.
  6. Get tested for allergies or food intolerances.
  7. Change your diet. Eat fewer fatty foods, processed foods and sugars.


Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes

Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes Image Source: Amazon SaferCures.com
Zenwise Health Digestive Enzymes

Zenwise Probiotic Digestive Multi Enzymes, Probiotics for Digestive Health, Bloating Relief for Women and Men, Enzymes for Digestion with Prebiotics and Probiotics for Gut Health

Powerful vegetarian supplements with natural enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics. 

  • Digestive Enzymes with Pre & Probiotics Supplements: Pre-meal plant-powered pills formulated to help women and men find relief from occasional bloating, gas, and discomfort. AVA-Certified Vegetarian
  • Complete Gut Wellness: Replenish digestive enzymes that may decline with age. Advanced enzyme + prebiotic, probiotic non-GMO formula tackles hard-to-digest foods. For regularity, digestive + immune health. Health Concern: Sensitive Stomach

These digestive enzymes help me in several ways. They improve my immune system & decrease joint inflammation from my arthritis. – Kris Sky


Can gut bacteria be restored?
Yes, gut bacteria can be restored by detoxing, consuming a healthy, nutrient-dense diet and taking prebiotic and probiotic supplements.

Gut Health Supplements

Taking antibiotics can harm the beneficial gut bacteria and destroy the balance of the microbiome in the gut.

Bad bacteria can weaken the gut lining and cause leaky gut syndrome. This causes toxic chemicals to leak into the bloodstream, even crossing the blood-brain barrier. Scientists and Nutritionists assure us that certain vitamins and nutrients are highly beneficial for healing leaky gut syndrome.12)

Beneficial gut health supplements:

  1. Zinc is a mineral that is important for promoting the recovery of the stomach lining. It is also important for maintaining the balance of healthy bacteria in the gut.
  2. L-glutamine is an amino acid that can lower inflammation. It can be beneficial for the survival of intestinal cells. L-glutamine supplements can also strengthen the gut lining to heal leaky gut.
  3. Probiotics are live microorganisms that can increase the diversity of the gut’s microbiome. It can also help treat irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn’s disease.
  4. Collagen peptides are essential proteins. Collagen supplements can help rebuild the gut lining and promote gut health.
  5. Curcumin is present in many spices, such as turmeric. It has strong anti-inflammatory effects.
  6. Dietary fibers are important for the proper digestion of food. They can also promote the recovery of the gut. 


Feminine Health Supplement

Feminine Health Prebiotics and Probiotics Dietary Supplement Image Source: Amazon.com SaferCures.com
Feminine Health Supplement

These probiotics, prebiotics and cranberry supplements offer a natural way to bolster both feminine tract and urinary tract health.

I started taking these religiously without missing a dose and I haven’t been to a doctor in almost a year! –Taylor


What is the best vitamin for gut health?
Vitamins D and B12, probiotics, L-glutamine, and zinc are the best gut health vitamins.

Are gut health supplements any good?
Gut health supplements help heal conditions caused by nutritional deficiencies.

Which probiotic is best for gut health?
Best probiotics for improving gut health include genus Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium or Saccharomyces boulardii.


  1. http://resources.thetoxinsolution.com/case-histories#gut-health
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuvdyEgiKQk
  3. https://drruscio.com/how-to-heal-your-gut/
  4. https://www.theguthealthprotocol.com/wp/summary_gut_health_protocol/
  5. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/5-foods-to-improve-your-digestion
  6. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/improve-gut-bacteria#TOC_TITLE_HDR_4
  7. https://www.everydayhealth.com/digestive-health/signs-of-unhealthy-gut-and-how-to-fix-it/
  8. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4425030/
  9. https://unboundwellness.com/4-ways-test-gut-health/
  10. https://www.healthline.com/health/digestive-health/3-day-gut-reset
  11. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/3-day-gut-reset#does-it-work
  12. https://www.health.harvard.edu/vitamins-and-supplements/health-benefits-of-taking-probiotics
  13. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8477631/ 
  14. https://aglab.ars.usda.gov/the-nutrition-corner/bacteria-can-be-good-for-your-stomach/
  15. https://www.ifm.org/news-insights/5r-framework-gut-health/
  16. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4315779/  

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