SaferCures’ Mission

SaferCures’ Mission is to help people vastly improve their quality of life; by curating medical experts’ information on alternative treatment options; and by offering new hope of recovering from a wide array of chronic, painful, debilitating, degenerative, and life-threatening diseases. 

Alternative and Integrative treatments and methods are often used in conjunction with, or instead of, conventional medical treatments.

To achieve our Mission, we strive to:

  • reach people of all ages and lifestyles who suffer with any number of such diseases, many of which are otherwise deemed ‘incurable’.
  • offer more choices – for treatment options that patients have found to be safer, highly effective, and prescribed by top experts in the fields of Functional Medicine and Integrative Health.
  • spotlight real patients who opted for these alternative treatments. We share their stories about their path to recovery, sometimes shortly after they almost gave up hope.

SaferCures’ Vision

We believe that in the next five years, tens of millions more people in the US and around the world will become aware that effective, safer treatment options exist – for their chronic, painful, debilitating, and often life-threatening degenerative diseases.

Millions more people will adopt safer treatments and preventive self-care, including conscious eating, such as a Whole-Food-Plant-Based (WFPB) lifestyle. As they experience astounding results, they will be excited to share this information, to help their children, parents, siblings, other family members, friends, neighbors, work colleagues, and their community at large.

How? Simply through friendly word-of-mouth, messaging, and the viral power of social media online.

Thank you for your interest in learning more about this quest.

SaferCures’ Values

We share the Values and Principles embraced by members of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM) since the founding of the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA) by Dr. Norm Shealy, et al in 1977.

Integrative Health

Like the AIHM, we commit to presenting patient-centered health and treatment approaches that are inclusive of all medical professions: conventional medicine, holistic medicine, integrative medicine, naturopathic medicine, holistic nursing, acupuncture and Asian medicine, chiropractic medicine, and other natural approaches.

Integrative Health is not only inclusive, but defines an approach that is a wellness and prevention model, rather than a disease-focused model.

Integrative Health must also include our community, our environment and our planet. To foster that inclusivity, all aspects of self – body, mind, spirit, community and planet – are central to our Values.

We commit to keeping these Values top-of-mind as we carefully choose information to present. 
